We all need a place to call home. A stress-free space to retreat to when the world feels wild and your mind feels weary. Somewhere that reconnects you with the passion of purpose and invites you to choose benevolence and beauty over disconnect and busy. But blank walls and mass-produced prints rarely make a meaningful mark on this world. This is where I come in. Creating artwork for humans who truly care.
Your sanctuary isn't for silence. It’s for flipping off beauty norms, gender roles and injustice. It’s for igniting connection and conversation; for making a statement and for taking a stand. And it’s for making a positive mark on the world – starting in your very own space.
I’m Christina Carmel, and I create beautiful, thought-provoking artwork that tells a personal story and invites you and your loved ones to join in on the conversation. It’s statement storytelling with soul; inclusive art with heart - provoking conversations that celebrate the rawness, realness, compassion, heartache, and joy of our shared human experience.